An illustration says what words and photos cannot. Most importantly, it provides curated information in an instant.
Observation and Study
We have the background to understand complicated scientific ideas. For instance, Laura is a Board-Certified Medical Illustrator. She studied at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
We stay current with research in both science and in design, since we value accuracy and efficiency. In addition, we start our work from observation and raw data whenever possible.
Read more about our background and qualifications.

Laura sketches after performing an ankle dissection.
© 2019 Body Scientific International, LLC
Our biomedical illustration process
We developed a process to keep you in the loop, because we know creativity can be mysterious.
Read more about our design process and what you can expect.
Drag the arrow to compare the sketch with the final illustration.
(© The Neurosurgical Atlas).

Illustration is what we love
There’s nothing better than creating great visuals. It is rewarding to successfully communicate something. Above all, illustrations can change the world!
Science, art, and communication are our life. We’re always exploring ideas because of our thirst for knowledge