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We are avid readers and owe a huge amount to the books we have read over the years. The internet is a great resource (and we’ve included some favorite links here), but as of yet we have not found replacements for the wealth of knowledge in many of the books we have found over time. This is our recommended reading list of those favorite, loved, irreplaceable books.

This is a living list (like our Top Tools List), and it is constantly updated as we continue to learn.

What do you think? I know we have appreciated lists like this as we have matured as artists and designers.

Art Books

Business Books

Science Books

We also keep a list of our TOP TOOLS: the materials, supplies, and software we use and love.

Recommended Reading List Banner
Recommended Reading List Banner

Recommended Art Books

Our Very Favorite Art Books


Figure Drawing Reading

General Drawing Reading

  • The Practice and Science of Drawing – Harold Speed : One of our all-time favorites that we have read so many times the covers have fallen off. This is great for understanding many of the underlying concepts behind successful drawing.
  • Drawing Course – Charles Bargue : A great introduction to atelier and traditional fine art style drawing. This covers drawing basics in a fundamental but sophisticated way. You will have to be somewhat self-guided to use it, but this is a wonderful traditional drawing method.

Creating from the Imagination Reading

Color & Painting Reading

Design Reading

Medical/Scientific Illustration Reading and Resources


Recommended Reading on Productivity, Business, & More

Our Very Favorite Productivity & Business Books

Productivity Reading

Top Medical and Scientific Books

Our Very Favorite Science Books

Anatomy Atlases

Personally, I find it most useful to have multiple atlases for reference so I don’t rely too heavily on one in case of inaccuracies. These are some of my favorites. -Laura

Plant Books

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Since some of the materials/items listed above are associated with affiliate links, we may earn a commission If you end up deciding to purchase any of the products. We only recommend products that we fully support.

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